Canine Pregnancy Ultrasound Scanning Services.
We will visit you and your pet in the comfort of your own home so they are made to feel as relaxed and as stress free as possible.
Using the latest Scan Pad technology, we will administer a small amount of gel to their abdomen and using an external probe, scan for any signs of pregnancy.
This is a non invasive procedure and causes no harm to your pet. Images are then transmitted onto the screen of the Scan Pad for you to see which can then be saved and sent to you on request.
Our prices start from £35.00
We cover a radius within 10 miles of our premises for a fee of £35.00. Any further distance over the 10 miles will be charged at a rate of 50p per mile.
For your FREE, No Obligation Quotation, please contact us using the Contact Form.
Feline and Small Animal Pregnancy Ultrasound Scanning Services.
Once in the comfort of your own home, where your pet is made to feel relaxed and as stress free as possible, we will, using the latest Scan Pad technology, scan them to see if they are pregnant.
We do this by administering a small amount of gel to their stomach and then using an external probe, run it up their abdomen, where images are transmitted on to the Scan Pad screen which will show any signs of pregnancy.
This is a non invasive procedure and causes no harm to your pet. The Images are transmitted live at the time on to the screen of the Scan Pad whilst scanning so that you too can see what we see and images and cine loops can be saved and sent to you afterwards.
Our prices start from £35.00
We cover a radius within 10 miles of our premises for a fee of £35.00. Any further distance over the 10 miles will be charged at a rate of 50p per mile.
For your FREE, No Obligation Quotation, please contact us using the Contact Form.
Post Whelp Scan
When requested, we will visit you and your pet in your own home, either when your pet has gone into or has finished whelping and scan them to confirm all puppies/kittens have been delivered.
This can help give peace of mind as some pets often have long breaks during and towards the end of their labour (known as a Whelping Pause), making owners think that they have finished.
Sometimes there can still be puppies/kittens waiting to be born or are stuck, so by scanning, if this is seen and we feel Vets intervention is needed, we can help advise to get your pet the help they need, sooner.
Our Prices start from £35.00
We cover a radius within 10 miles of our premises for a fee of £35.00. Any further distance over the 10 miles will be
charged at a rate of 50p per mile.
For your FREE, No Obligation Quotation, please contact us using the Contact Form.